Mara Conservancy is a Kenyan not-for-profit organisation comprised of concerned, conservation minded individuals. The Board of Directors represent central and local government, the Maasai community, and others with relevant technical skills in the areas of tourism and the management of protected areas, ecology and wildlife, and finance and administration. The ten-year Management Agreement between the Mara Conservancy and the Narok County Government mandates that Mara Conservancy undertakes all aspects of protected area management including: revenue collection and distribution, security, tourism development and management, and infrastructure maintenance and development. All new projects require an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and approval by a joint committee comprising members of the Conservancy and Narok County Government.

The Board of Directors has appointed KAPS as an independent, professional revenue collection agency. KAPS are responsible for the day-to-day task of revenue collection and was selected by Deloitte on the basis of their experience of revenue collection procedures in other areas of Kenya.

The Directors of Mara Conservancy are responsible for ensuring that revenue is distributed strictly as per the terms and provisions of the Management Agreement. Revenue peaks during the high tourist season from June to September and falls dramatically in the low season from February to May.



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Both the ticketed sales and non-ticket sales (campsite booking fees, balloon fees and annual vehicle fees for lodges and camps) are split into: 55% to the Narok County Government, 36% to the Mara Conservancy and 7.5% to KAPS for their revenue collection work. The Mara Conservancy undertakes all aspects of protected area management including: security, tourism, infrastructure maintenance and development using its 37.5% revenue.